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  • How Is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?
    How Is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?

    Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that many people suffer from. There are statistics that claim 1 in 4 people have some form of sleep apnea. However, that is usually mild sleep apnea that you can tolerate.

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  • How To Fix Sleep Apnea?
    How To Fix Sleep Apnea?

    Once you diagnose sleep apnea symptoms, the next step will be to look for treatment. It is advised that you visit a sleep specialist or doctor to ensure proper treatment. Treating sleep apnea requires a specific set of skills. However, you can learn more about various treatment options below:  

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  • How To Treat Sleep Apnea?
    How To Treat Sleep Apnea?

    Sleep apnea is a treatable condition, but it requires prompt action. The longer you take to cure it, the worse it can get. It starts with problems like incomplete sleep, daytime sleepiness, low blood pressure or oxygen levels, and then progresses to worse cases. The worse cases can be headaches, depression, and heart disease, even a stroke. Therefore, it is important for you to visit a doctor or sleep specialist today to start the treatment:

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  • What Is Severe Sleep Apnea?
    What Is Severe Sleep Apnea?

    Did you know that any kind of sleep apnea, if left untreated, can get worse? Even doctors have diagnoses and distinctions. You can find mild sleep apnea, severe obstructive sleep apnea and treatment emergent central sleep apnea. Apart from different types and categories, there is also the severity. And severe cases can be critical. So, let's learn more about it:

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  • What Causes Sleep Apnea?
    What Causes Sleep Apnea?

    Sleep disorders are one of the worst things you can ever have. Whether it is sleep apnea, hypopnea, or insomnia, they all lead to health issues. The worst part is that there are many reasons if you suddenly have any of these disorders.

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  • What Is Sleep Apnea?
    What Is Sleep Apnea?

    Do you suddenly wake up from your sleep and feel breathless, dizzy, or something along the lines? It could be due to sleep apnea. Let's help you learn more about it so that you can diagnose it better and visit a sleep specialist today!

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  • What Are CPAP Masks Made Of
    What Are CPAP Masks Made Of

    Are you curious about the material your CPAP mask is made up of? It is understandable. Everyone has their reason. Some are wary of the CPAP mask skin irritation that surfaces after prolonged use. Others are more environmentally conscious and can't let something slide by. You will find all the answers for the material and more below. We are going to cover different parts of extensive information:

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  • Where To Buy CPAP Masks
    Where To Buy CPAP Masks

    CPAP Masks are available online and offline in Australia. You can find them in retail stores or with retail dealers. Similarly, you can find them in medical shops and even in hospitals. If you're unsure about where to buy, you can ask your sleep specialist. They will help you find the right CPAP mask for you. However, we have decided to cover some other questions that are related to buying CPAP Masks to avoid any misconceptions:

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  • How Long Do CPAP Masks Last
    How Long Do CPAP Masks Last

    A CPAP Mask is usually made up of plastic or silicone material. By that definition, shouldn't it last forever? Well, that's not the case. You see, CPAP Masks undergo a lot of things when you use them regularly for sleep Apnea.  

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  • How To Clean CPAP Masks?
    How To Clean CPAP Masks?

    How to clean your CPAP mask for daily use? Well, there are two cleaning approaches you need to employ. The first one is daily cleaning. It will be a quick cleaning routine to ensure that you don't suffer any unwanted infections or skin problems.

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Showing 11 to 20 of 31 (4 Pages)