what is cpap machines

What Is A CPAP Machine?

Sleeping disorders can be quite a challenging issue to maintain, especially sleep apnea. It could affect your sleep quality or present difficulty falling asleep. You could change your sleep position as much as you like, but you could still end up with issues like daytime sleepiness. That's where the CPAP machine can solve your issues. Let's learn about what a CPAP machine is and how it can help you:

What Are CPAP Machines?

A CPAP machine is prescribed by the doctor to help you fix the issues with sleep apnea. It works on central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea both. However, doctors mostly prescribe it for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

In OSA, your throat or airways might get blocked for some reason. CPAP machines are designed to tackle this issue and provide you with clear airways and maintain air pressure to ensure optimum sleep.

Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea

As the name suggests, OSA takes place when something blocks your throat or the airways. Most commonly, the soft tissues in your throat may block it, or the tongue could also block the throat. In other cases, your airways might be blocked, and it poses difficulty in breathing while you sleep.

As you can't receive the airflow to your lungs, you may end up waking up abruptly. Other symptoms of sleep apnea are:

  • Choking while you're sleeping.
  • Snoring loudly or in a different way.
  • Waking up due to lack of air.
  • Waking up with a headache in the morning.
  • Daytime sleepiness.

Doctors may recommend various changes like weight loss, diet, medication, and more. But, CPAP masks and machines remain the primary way of treating obstructive sleep apnea.

Working Of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine (CPAP Machine)

So, how does a CPAP machine work? CPAP machines come with a nasal mask connected to a flexible tube that is connected to the machine. The machine has a compressor, and most CPAP machines come with pressure settings. You can adjust the pressurized air.

The CPAP mask covers your nose and mouth, and the machine continually provides pressurized air to you. Thus, it keeps the airways open and prevents any kind of breathing interruption. With a steady flow, CPAP therapy is known to fix sleep apnea issues. But how can you know if you're using the best CPAP device for the issue?

The Best CPAP Machine For You

How can you find the right CPAP machine that is perfect for CPAP therapy? Truth be told, there's no one size fits. It all comes down to various considerations. Let's try to keep it easy for you:

  • First, make sure that your sleep specialist recommends it to you.
  • Next, check for the features it offers. Most machines come with two pressure settings, at least.
  • If you frequently get dry mouth or stuffy nose, maybe a humidifier chamber in the machine would be a good idea. Yes, these machines come with various features.
  • Check for options like adjustable straps. Make sure that it can offer you performance all night long, among other things.
  • More importantly, don't forget to check the CPAP mask, its fitting and ease of use. Most CPAP masks also come with certain guarantees and warranties.

If you sleep in a specific sleeping position, you might have to consult your sleep doctor. Depending on your breathing habits, they might suggest a different kind of machine.

Benefits Of Using A CPAP Machine

As mentioned so far, CPAP machines help with apnea and prevent collapsed airway for you to have a quality sleep. It prevents breathing interruptions and could be a great way to receive good sleep. But make sure that the machine is working correctly. You will have the following benefits:

  • It improves your sleep and ability to fall asleep.
  • You will have few to no obstructions while sleeping.
  • There might be no need for sleep medicine.
  • Lowers the risk of stroke, heart attacks, and other blood pressure-related issues.
  • It prevents daytime sleepiness if you get quality sleep.

Overall, it can take care of many sleep disorders if used correctly. However, getting used to the CPAP machine can be a task. It takes time to get used to the idea of sleeping with full face masks on your face. A few people might find it obstructive.

The Bottom Line

While it is part of the oral appliances to keep your airway open, your healthcare provider might ask you to practice a form of relaxation exercise. That's why it is pivotal to find the ones with adjustable air pressure. As long as it is working properly for you, it can be a worthwhile addition.

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