How To Fix Sleep Apnea?

Treatment Options For Obstructive Sleep Apnea

An Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is when your airway gets blocked by an obstacle. It can be nose allergies, throat muscles, or any other reason. Following are the treatment options available in these cases:

1. Lifestyle Changes

The first step will be for you to lose weight. Apart from weight loss, you will have to make other lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, drinking, etc. You may have to change your sleep position, as well.

You can try a couple of home remedies to keep your airway clean for better results, but excess weight loss is pivotal to preventing sleep-disordered breathing.

You may learn a couple of breathing exercises to keep your respiratory system healthy and active. If it doesn't improve sleep apnea symptoms, you will move to other options.

2. Oral Appliances

An oral appliance is easier to use than other machines stated below. However, these are designed to provide only specific help, like keeping your airway open. It can help you adjust your airways, jaw and such, but not too much.

If oral appliances can help you reduce snoring and other symptoms, that's great. It means that treatment is working on obstructive sleep apnea. Medication or devices for nasal congestion might be provided, as well.

3. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

A CPAP machine is the most common form of treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea. It is a special machine that provides a set airflow to your airways. You set the air pressure recommended by a sleep expert.

This helps in drastically reducing sleep apnea symptoms.

4. Better Device Than CPAP

CPAP treatment has an advanced options with BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) and APAP (Automatic Positive Airway Pressure CPAP). Unlike CPAP devices, BiPAP comes with dual pressure settings, one for inhaling and the other for exhaling.

APAP is automatic and adjusts air pressure according to the user's breathing pattern.

5. Surgical Procedures

During cases like severe sleep apnea, you may be recommended surgical procedures. There are many obstructive sleep apnea treatment options for surgical procedures like:

  • Tissue removal surgery for mild sleep apnea.

  • Tissue shrinkage is also an option for mild obstructive sleep apnea to moderate sleep apnoea patients.

  • Implants, jaw repositioning (upper airway surgery), and implants may be used to fix severe obstructive sleep apnea.

  • Neck surgery to provide a new breathing passage for you might also be under consideration.

Treatment For Central Sleep Apnea

Central Sleep Apnea is a more serious form where it has affected your nervous system. Therefore, the treatment for these may vary greatly. Most obstructive sleep apnea options won't work:

1. Treatment For Related Issues

If you suffered trauma, a neurological disease or any mental or nervous injury, your experts will focus on treating that first to improve your sleep efficiency. If it still worsens sleep apnea, you will move to other options.

2. Medical Treatment

Clinical sleep medicine will be prescribed to you. Traditional treatments like losing weight and changing sleep positions won't work. The medical treatment for central sleep apnea focuses on breath management. For example, sleeping pills help throat muscles relax.

3. Oxygen Provisions

Conventional CPAP therapy won't work here. Central sleep disorder might require a machine that will deliver oxygen directly to your lungs or make sure that you don't worsen sleep apnea. Respiratory medicine also becomes pivotal for people with sleep apnea.

4. Adaptive-Servo Ventilation (ASV)

This is an advanced version of the CPAP device, where you will have a machine to help you control and initiate breathing patterns. Unfortunately, the problem with this is that patients with heart conditions can't use it.

The Bottom Line To Fix Sleep Apnea

As you know that you stop breathing in sleep disorders like sleep apnea. You can try sleep apnea home remedies like taking streams and other options. However, if you make symptoms worse, then untreated sleep apnea can prove fatal. Loud snoring and daytime sleepiness are just minor symptoms, and even sleep quality won't matter. You run the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Mixed sleep apnea (obstructive and central) can lead to immediate treatment requirements. But remember to avoid alcohol and keep your nasal passages clean to improve your sleep foundation. For better sleep Apnea treatment, it would be ideal for you to visit a specialist immediately.

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