What to expect with CPAP therapy
Knowing you have sleep apnea and need to be on CPAP therapy can be daunting. We assist you with getting used to therapy via our unique one month trial. We give you the opportunity to test and find the most suitable equipment for you.
A CPAP setup is the first appointment you have with your therapy consultant. The aim is to choose the best combination of devices, masks and therapy accessories to suit your needs. Your consultant will fit you with a number of masks and allow you to try the devices at the clinic.
Our fully trained CPAP therapy consultants will set you up with a customised program including 3 consultations and 2 therapy support calls detailed below.
Connected Care Program
DAY 0 : 1st Consultation
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DAY 1: Therapy support call 1
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DAY 7: 2nd consultation
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ANY DAY: Therapy support call 2
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DAY 30: 3rd consultation
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Following the connected care program, our ongoing therapy management and maintenance program will help keep up your compliance through every stage of your life.
Best of Luck!