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  • Where Can I Buy CPAP Masks
    Where Can I Buy CPAP Masks

    So, you're looking for sleep apnea masks. It is an important part of the CPAP machine for the treatment of Sleep Apnea. So, we are going to help you find the right places to buy the face mask for Sleep apnea:  

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  • What Are The Best CPAP Machines
    What Are The Best CPAP Machines

    So, you're looking for the best CPAP machines available in the market. Before you can find the right CPAP machine for yourself, there are many considerations that you will have to make. We are here with an ultimate guide to help you find the best continuous positive airway inheritssure machine for CPAP therapy. Let's have a look:  

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  • How Many CPAP Machines Are Sold Each Year
    How Many CPAP Machines Are Sold Each Year

    According to various research and report coverage, there are more than 42 million patients with sleep disorders exclusively in America. The number of people suffering from sleep apnea is 100 million worldwide. However, 1 in 5 people has some form of obstructive sleep apnea, while 1 in 15 has moderate to severe sleep apnea. More than 3/4th of people worldwide with sleep apnea or sleep-disordered breathing go unnoticed and undiagnosed.  

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  • When Is Philips Going To Replace CPAP Machines?
    When Is Philips Going To Replace CPAP Machines?

    The decade of 2020 didn't start on a positive note for the Philips company, especially for Philips Respironics. With the mass recall of their CPAP machines, patients are growing restless and need answers. When is the company going to replace affected devices?

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  • Who Invented CPAP Machines
    Who Invented CPAP Machines

    Did you know that there was once a time when you couldn't treat severe obstructive sleep apnea without surgery? It was impossible. In the worst-case scenario, sleep apnea treatment included tracheotomy. That all changed when a certain mastermind decided to revolutionise sleep technology and introduced us to CPAP machines as we know them today:

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  • When Were CPAP Machines Invented
    When Were CPAP Machines Invented

    It is always fascinating to learn about the history of medical advancements. You can find many funny or interesting stories. Treatment for sleep apnea, for instance, wasn't always CPAP therapy. Of course, someone had to invent them.

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  • Where To Sell CPAP Machines
    Where To Sell CPAP Machines

    So, you're looking to sell your CPAP machine. It could mean that you either have an extra CPAP machine for Sleep Apnea or you want to simply get rid of the one you have. Which brings an array of questions, confusion and more.

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  • How To Know If You Have Sleep Apnea?
    How To Know If You Have Sleep Apnea?

    As you know, most people develop some form of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can also be a temporary condition. It happens when you are usually too tired, and your brain drifts into sleep.

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  • How Do You Know If You Have Sleep Apnea?
    How Do You Know If You Have Sleep Apnea?

    Do you need to visit a sleep clinic for a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnoea? Which sleep apnoea do you have? Is it obstructive sleep apnea or central sleep apnoea? To learn more about the symptoms and when to visit the specialist, read below:

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  • How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea?
    How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea?

    If you're looking to self-diagnose sleep apnea, it is not as challenging as you think. However, just like any other medical condition or sleep disorder, you will need an expert to confirm it. After all, there are different types of sleep apnea, and their severity also varies. But let's begin with what you're here for - How do you know if you have sleep apnea?

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