Aerobika With Manometer
Air Liquide Reference Number: 5852S
About the Product
The AeroBika therapy systems help improve your quality of life by addressing your need for mucus clearance.
The Aerobika provides a drug free alternative to traditional COPD flare up treatments. The small portable device relies on Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) to assist in the clearance of excess mucus secretions from your lungs.
The device has been clinically proven to :
- Open up your airways
- Improve your mucus clearance
- Decrease your cough frequency
- Reduce breathlessness
- Improve your exercise tolerance
Not position dependent. You can use the device standing up, seated or even lying down.
The AeroBika is the only device cleared for safe use with the AeroEclipse Breath Actuated Nebuliser
The added manometer in this edition gives you instant visual feedback on exhalation.