Resmed Airsense 10 4G Autoset
Air Liquide Reference Number: 6194S
About the Product
A premium auto-adjusting obstructive sleep apnea machine with advanced features for your sleeping comfort. Features built-in 4G wireless connectivity.
Detects sleep onset
AutoRamp™ with sleep onset detection starts by delivering low pressure for greater comfort. Then, after detecting that you've fallen asleep, it gradually increases the pressure to the prescribed level.
Intuitive interface
A simple interface enables you to just press start and go. It also provides feedback on your therapy every morning and makes it easy for you to change comfort settings.
Consistent humidification
The HumidAir™ humidifier and a ClimateLineAir™ heated air tube are designed to automatically deliver optimal temperature and humidity, for a more comfortable experience.
myAir™ for extra support
Easy-to-use web program or app syncs to your AirSense 10 machine to let you know how you went with therapy the night before, and helps keep you enagaged and motivated on your sleep therapy journey.