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Fisher & Paykel Brevida Diffuser

Air Liquide Reference Number: 5799S

Sale Price: $27.95 AUD
Price: $27.95 AUD
Sale Sold out

This washable, reusable diffuser is compatible with the Brevia range of nasal pillow masks from Fisher and Paykel

Diffusers in CPAP masks perform the all important function of allowing the partners of CPAP users to sleep peacefully through the night without interruption from a strong stream of exhaled air. The specific diffuser mentioned here is compatible with the Fisher and Paykel Brevida nasal pillow mask and should be replaced quarterly.
Compatible with the Fisher and Paykel Brevida nasal pillow mask
To be replaced every 2-3 months as the foam wears out with use

If you need more information on this CPAP Spare or another product, please get in touch with an Air Liquide staff member online or in clinic.

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